Wednesday 21 January 2009


I was really disappointed when I saw that video
about Barak Obama and Islam. I don't understand why
all americans think that Islam is an evil. It is not true!
Islam doesn't support terrorism. It is nothing to do with that.
I would like to introduce what islam actually is.
Islam means "submission to the Will of God". In its ethical sense
Islam signifies "striving after the ideal". A Muslim is one who
submits to the Will of God. "Islam" and "Muslim" derive from
the same word as the Arabic for "peace". The traditional Muslim
greeting is "Peace be into you".
Islam offers hope for salvation to the righteous and God-fearing of
all religions. Muslims believe in the Divine Revelations of many
prophets including Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, but do not
blieve that God assumed human form. The Quran, Muslims believe,
is God's Word and Final Revelation to he Prophet Muhammad.
Revealed over a period of twenty-three years, The Quran was
complied and distributed to distant lands within twenty-five
years of The Prophet's death in 632 A.D. This is the only Quran
recognised by Muslims.
Comprising laws, moral precepts, and narratives, The Quran's
timeless text remain an inspiration and guide for more than one fifth
of humanity. Together with The Quran, the eptome of classical Arabic,
Muslims lives are guided by the examples and sayings of the Prophet.
Thousands of sayings have been attributed to The Prophet . Some are
acepted as autentic; some traced to the Prophet's companions; some
are the subject of debate. Some examples:
"The first thing created by God was the Intellect".
"The most exellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self".
"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr".
"One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshippers".
"Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind".
Reflect upon God's creation but not upon His nature or else you will perish".
"He who wishes to enter Paradise at the best door must please his mother and father".
"No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself".
"When the bier of anyone passes by you, whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim, rise to your feet".
"The thing which is lawfull, but disliked by God, is divorce".
"Heaven lies at the feet of mothers".
"Women are the twin-halves of men".
"Actions will be judged according to intentions".
"That which is lawful is clear, and that which is unlawful likewise, but there are certain doubtful things between the two from which it is well to abstain".
"The proof of a Muslim's sincerity is that he pays no attention to that which is not his business".
"That person is nearest to God, who pardons...him who would have injured him".
"...yield obedience to my successor, although he may be an Abyssinian slave".
"The creation is like God's family...the most beloved unto God is the person who does good to God's famly".
"Modesty and chastity are prts of the Faith".
Islamic Law is based upon The Quran, examples and sayings
of The Prophet, consensus among the learned, analogical
deduction, and individual reasoning. Islamic society comes
closer than any other society to the ideal democracy. All persons
are equal before God; goodness is the only criterion of worth.
There is no priesthood in Islam; even a child, with greater
knowledge of The Quran than his elders, may lead them in prayer.
To become a Muslim, one need only profess,
"There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God".

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